Heartbreaking News

As many of you have heard, one of our bloggers was killed by a drunk driver last night. We are stunned and heartsick to have lost Vada. Not all of you may have known her well from just here. But in addition to her thoughtful public posts, she was an active member of our backlist, and contributed immeasurably to our small ZD community. She was also very involved in the online Mormon feminist world in various other places, and we know many people were positively impacted by her. She will be terribly missed.

Vada leaves behind a husband and six children, including preemie twin girls who are still in the NICU. A YouCaring account has been set up for her family; if you’d like to donate, please go here.

1 comment

  1. This is a tragic loss for everyone who knew her. Until this post, I didn’t realize that she blogged here. I knew her instead from the stake I grew up in and then she married my cousin. She was always a delight to see at family gatherings, and she will be missed until we all shall meet again.

    For those who wish to help her family at this time, you can donate through a YouCaring here: https://www.youcaring.com/jacobevans-973491

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