The Tracy McKay fMh Scholarship for Single Mormon Mothers

If you’re a single Mormon mother going to school, you should check this out. The Tracy McKay fMh Scholarship is a $3000 scholarship awarded once yearly, to be used for tuition, books, and supplies. For more details, see here.


  1. Jon:

    Though the scholarship was set up with single mothers in mind because they statistically struggle disproportionately with poverty and barriers to access to education, the parameters for qualifying for the scholarship are intentionally drawn very loosely.

    If you yourself or a friend or acquaintance is a single Mormon father struggling to finish school, I suggest that you contact fMh and inquire. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if some single Mormon fathers win in the future, and I know that they would love to feature blogposts from men who are in this situation to raise awareness and understanding. Best of luck to you!

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