This post is my annual compilation of the funniest comments and bits of posts that I read on the Bloggernacle in the past year. In case you haven’t read them yet, here are links to compilations for previous years: 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008.
Most of these are excerpts from longer comments or posts. I’ve made each person’s name a link to the original source, so you can go and read them in their original context if you want. Also, the comments are in roughly chronological order.
Old Man, commenting on Bishop Bill’s post “Permanent Changes” at W&T:
How did Enoch get his people translated without strict adherence to the block schedule? How did the Old and New Testament prophets, prophetesses, apostles, etc., ever develop into the great human beings they were without long weekly meetings, youth programs and trek? How did ol’ Brigham cross the plains without a Sunday School Presidency, Primary, and not a single Eagle Scout on hand?
Michael Austin, in his post “BYU’s New Demonstration Policy Explained” at BCC:
This policy is designed to maximize our students’ moral agency–which we define as “the ability to exercise uncompromising obedience in the face of difficult moral choices while not being gay.”
Comments on Michael Austin’s post:
This policy may be part of a formal move to rebrand “BYU” as “BY-CES.”
the philosophies of men, mingled with with poorly drafted legalese.
Seriously, every one going on a date on the BYU campus needs to file for permission to demonstrate because they are 2 or more people meeting to raise awareness, primarily about each other.
- anon:
Pairs and trios of missionaries will, I trust, apply for university sanction?
Also, pretty much like Jesus said: where two or three or gathered, lo, the honor code is there.