The Lord commanded Nephi to cut off Laban’s head.
After some reluctance, he chopped and made him dead.
Murder was good: Laban was a wicked man.
Nephi and his kin got brass plates as God planned.

“I will go; I will do the thing the Lord commands.
I know the Lord provides a way; he wants me to obey.
I will go; I will do the thing the Lord commands.
I know the Lord provides a way; he wants me to obey.”
The Lord told Abraham he must kill his only son.
He took Isaac with him to get the Lord’s will done.
When ready to kill, at last his knife he drew,
Broke in then an angel: “God was testing you.”
The Lord commanded Thomas to exclude kids of gays.
Never to baptize them in all their youthful days.
Thomas and Russell knew they were in a bind.
Finally years later, Russell changed God’s mind.
The Lord commanded Brigham to keep black Mormons down.
Never to ordain them or give them temple crown.
Bold defenses of this doctrine Brigham penned.
Many generations passed before its end.
The Lord commanded Joseph to marry many wives.
When he made proposals, it quickly gave them hives.
Threats and cajoling oft brought them to assent
Disclosure to Emma, Joseph then forewent.
The Lord commanded Ronald to kill his brother’s wife.
She was not submissive; for this she’d lose her life.
Ronald and Daniel the Lord’s will carried out.
They feared not the godless; they were without doubt.
So when the Lord commands you to do a heavy task
Check in with your conscience about what you’ve been asked.
Maybe the message got mixed along the way.
“Just following orders.” This you must not say.
Chorus to final verse:
“I will stop; I will think about divine commands.
I know the ones who speak for God have often been so flawed.
I will not weasel out and take the coward’s way.
With inner light, I’ll choose the right, not just blindly obey.”
I laughed at “Russell changed God’s mind”. He’s good at that, you know, like when he told us about God’s very recent pet peeve regarding the word Mormon.
If we really believed our prophets are fallible, one could expect some serious discussion about when we might think we are getting inspiration and how to know if it was really from God. But all we get is “We know it is from God because we just know.” So did Warren Jeffs when he was told to marry a 12 year old. No, really, how do we know? My best friend got the burning in the bossum about who to marry, and later admitted it was all lust and she just couldn’t tell the difference. So, we really need this song.
I have seen way too many priesthood leaders who think anything that pops into their head *has* to be inspiration. And sometimes it is obviously off to everyone around them, but nobody dares ask them to pray again and make sure.
And, seriously, I have thought about Nephi and wondered, if I had a believing family depending on me to get some brass plates and not come back without them, what would I have done?
And not to nitpick, but wasn’t it Roland, not Ronald, maybe I am remembering wrong.
The Lord commanded Benj’min to teach his people thus:
If they will not complain nor throw a fit nor fuss,
Trust in the Lord and strive to keep his word,
And always give him thanks their joy will be assured.
Quentin, I’m glad you liked that bit! President Nelson clearly thinks a lot of himself.
Anna, great point about the problem of men with power in the Church figuring that everything they think is inspired.
Lisa, thanks!
bagofsand, thanks for your addition, but I think the original song already extols the virtues of unquestioning obedience.
?T?h?e? ?L?o?r?d? Kirton McConkie commanded Thomas…