I’ve often seen threads on AskReddit where commenters are asked to change the expected storyline of a movie by changing one letter in its title, or something like that. I thought it would be fun to try with LDS hymns. I’ve also added a note about what I think each revised hymn would be about. If you’re so inclined, please feel free to contribute your own in the comments!
Oh, May My Soul Commute with Thee – Wouldn’t your commute be improved by having Jesus riding shotgun? (He could probably take the wheel when needed.)
Amazing Grade – A student rejoices at passing a class they had expected to

Bark all Ye Nations – A celebration of Peter’s long-lost revelation about taking the gospel to the canines
Now Let Ur Rejoice – A celebration of Nanna, the patron deity of ancient Ur
An Angel Frog on High – Angelic frogs are the next logical step after angelic salamanders.
Oh, Code, All Ye Faithful – An exhortation for believers to learn to write computer code
The Wintry Day, Descending to its Clone – A complaint about how many identical dreary winter days a person may have to endure in a row
The Morning Freaks – A lament about how people who love mornings run the Church
Have I Done Any Goop? – A maker of slimy substances wonders at the value of their work
Rook of Ages – A hymn about the timelessness of chess
The Icon Rod – Lehi’s dream is reimagined with a rod made of religious icons.
Abide Sith Me! – A Jedi who has turned to the dark side of the Force encourages themself to hold strong to the evil they have chosen.
Sweet Is the Dork – In praise of socially inept but kindhearted people
Because I Have Beer Given Much – The next round’s on me!
Nope of Israel – A hymn of praise for people who leave the Church
Here are 10:
A Poor Warfaring Man of Grief
Abide With Ye (Kanye West)
Be Thou Mumble
Carry-ons (luggage)
Come, Oh Thou King of Swing (Benny Goodman – I fudged a little)
Come, Rejuice
Do What Is Bright (use your head)
Where You Left Your Room This Morning (in a mess!)
Gently Raise the Sacred Stain (using Resolve Professional Strength)
If you Could Hike To Kolob
..and change just one word:
High On the Mountain Dew
and an upgrade on one of the above, changing two letters: Bee, thou Bumble
Excellent, larryco_!
For the Strength of the Bills – a hymn of hope for a better season.
For the Strength of the Pills – a hymn of praise for your painkillers after a knee replacement.
Braise to the Man – a hymn of culinary instruction.
Lean on My Sample Arm – a hymn of gratitude to the Sam’s Club ladies.
Sweet is the Wok – a gentle reminder that utensils normally used for spice can also be used for sugar.
I love it, Dagmar! Great ones!
Come, Come, Ye Haints – to be sung at a seance
The Spirit of Ged – for your Earthsea book club
Praise to the Map – for road trips
A Poor Wayfaring Man of Brief – either about despondent lawyers or underwear models
Ye Elmers of Israel – when you need glue
Mead; Kindly, Light – putting in your order for a beginner’s honey-based liquor
These are excellent, MH!
Changing one letter in the last word:
Again We Meet around the Hoard
Be Still, My Soup
Did You Think to Prey?
Let Us Oft Speak Kind Worms
Lord, Accept Our True Demotion
Know This, That Every Soul Is Fred
Splitting the first word into two:
I’m Erica the Beautiful (Lyrics: I’m Erica! I’m Erica! God shed His grace on me!”)
Awesome, Robert!
Divine Feminine:
Silent Light – Tune Name: Asherah
Musician Humor:
Fear Thou Our Hymn, O Lord – Tune Name: Impromptu Choir
From All That “Swell*” below the Skies – Tune Name: Organ
(*one of the keyboards and expression pedal/volume)
Laman’s wife & Lemuel’s wife Collection:
Arise, O God and Whine – Tune Name: Murmur
Choose the Fight – Tune Name: Rumors…
Behold, a Loyal Army – Tune Name: … of war
How Great thou Arm – Tune Name: Friberg
Come, O Thou Ring of Kings – Tune Name: Nasty Hobbitses
Church Collection:
The Lord is My Sight – Tune Name – Born Blind
The Day Yawn is Breaking – Tune Name: “Morning Freaks” *
(*thx Ziff, lol)
O Thou Dock of Our Salvation
Tune Name: Old Ship Zion (TBM)
Tune Name: Can’t Swim (PIMO)
Sweet is the Pork – Tune Name: Laie
God is Dove – Tune Name: Holy Chocolate
Skeet is the Work – Tune Name: Tabernacle of Clay(s)
Driving Hazards:
Sleet Hour of Prayer – Tune Name: Slow Down
These are great, Californian! I love your addition of tune names. It really adds some depth!
Wow, Let Us Rejoice – sung unenthusiastically at a slow tempo
No, Say What is Truth – to be sung molto snarko while doom scrolling through the Gospel Topics essays
We Even Pray for Thee – sung with remarkable niceness
Hahahaha! Excellent, Jake C! I especially love the thought of the first one.