We here at ZD have learned that the following hymn has been submitted to the Church by a group of devoted anti-vaxxers for possible inclusion in the new hymnbook. It is sung to the tune of “Because I Have Been Given Much.”
Because I’ve been infected much, I too infect.
I’ll pass a virus on before you can detect!
In me the germs will reproduce,
I will then quickly let them loose,
So they can put themselves to use!

Because I’ve learned to never share another’s load,
And never to someone in need compassion showed,
I will not ever wear a mask,
I will be angry if you ask,
Don’t say it; I’ll take you to task!
Because I have such natural immunity,
I have no need of helping my community.
COVID vaccines I will eschew,
Washing my hands I will skip too,
If someone dies I hope it’s you!
This is a brilliant work of satire that displays a sharp wit. However, it makes multiple points that can be disputed.
I am vaccinated and I believe everyone should be. It certainly makes me feel uncomfortable to be in Church with others who are not vaccinated. But I do not believe that they should be forced to take the vaccine to raise my comfort level. If I am not comfortable, I can stay home.
If masks work, then I can wear a mask without worrying about the status of others. If masks don’t work and I have cause to worry, then why is anyone wearing them? That is the question that is always ignored.
When I attend a baseball game, I do not expect them to change the rules to enhance my comfort or enjoyment. Why should I think I could do so at Church?
Perhaps the hymn title should be changed to: “Because I have become fearful, I too must spread fear.”
Thanks, Ivy. I think you clearly misunderstand masks when you wave your hand and wonder whether they “work” or not. Can’t you imagine the possibility that they partially work, so that in a scenario where one person might pass the virus on to another, zero masks is most risky, a mask on one person is less risky, and a mask on both is the least risky? This is the thing that black-and-white anti-maskers never talk about.
Also, I think your baseball game analogy fails because if you do, you totally expect another fan to be thrown out if they’re loudly drunk or threatening people. What if they’re just exercising their “right to infect”?
And regarding your revised title, are there any situations in which you think it would be okay to “spread fear”? What about the collapse of the Teton Dam that President Eyring talks about every other Conference? Surely if you knew that flood waters were coming, you would warn your neighbors. Now I realize that the threat of COVID isn’t as fast-moving or deadly as a giant wall of water. I’m just pointing out that surely there are circumstances where you think people should be warned or take measures to protect themselves. It’s just a question of how deadly an event is before you think it’s too dangerous. I think it’s a fair conversation to have about how much risk is enough for us to collectively work to mitigate it versus figuring it’s not too bad and we’ll just let it run its course. It’s silly of you to wave it all away, though, as though “spreading fear” were always wrong.
Shouldn’t the singing of all hymns be discontinued?
Too bad the new hymn book won’t be approved for another 25 years 😉
I’ve been to several major league baseball games this season. The rules have changed in nearly every aspect of the game. The actual on-field playing rules have been altered in multiple ways. The rules regarding activating players and using the injured list have been revised. The rules for attending the game have changed. Rules for masking have been implemented. The way you buy souvenirs and concessions has changed. The rules for buying tickets have changed. The flow of foot traffic through the concourses and restrooms has been regulated. Some teams have established special sections for the fully vaccinated. And so on…
All of that has been done to enhance my comfort and enjoyment and safety in attending games. Why shouldn’t they do the same at church?
When are the actual predictions for fall general conference going to come out?
Maybe the rate of mask wearing would go up in members could wear rainbow colored styles?