MHA Awards

Hey, all you scholars of Mormon history. Check this out. Prizes! Money! Everlasting fame!

From the Mormon History Association:

The Mormon History Association will give its yearly awards for the best books, articles, dissertation, thesis, and student papers published or written on Mormon history during 2011 at its annual 2012 conference, which will be held in June in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

The submission deadline is February 15, 2012. Books should be submitted in hard copy in the number specifically requested by chairs. If there is a hardship because the list price of a book is $75 or more, we ask the publisher for one hard copy and an electronic version of the book. Electronic submissions must be sent in WordPerfect, Word, or as a .pdf document. Any member of the Mormon History Association may submit or nominate a publication for consideration. Send specific questions to the subcommittee chairs.

Leonard J. Arrington Award
This award is made annually to a scholar whose contributions are truly outstanding. Awarded since 1999 for distinguished and meritorious service to Mormon history.

(Submit nominations with narrative)

Armand Mauss


MHA Best Book Award $2,000
Awarded for the best book published on Mormon history.

(Submit 5 hard copies of each publication)

Michael Hunter
2249 HBLL
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah 84602


Smith-Pettit Best First Book Award $1,200
Awarded for the best first book published on Mormon history.

(Submit 5 hard copies of each publication)

Michael Hunter
2249 HBLL
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah 84602


Ella Larsen Turner-Ella Ruth Turner Bergera Award for Best Biography $1,000
Awarded for the best published biography in the field of Mormon history.

(Submit 5 hard copies of each publication)

Michael Hunter
2249 HBLL
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah 84602


Steven F. Christensen Award for Best Documentary History/Bibliography $1,000
Awarded for the best published documentary or bibliography on Mormon history.

(Submit 5 hard copies of each publication)

Michael Hunter
2249 HBLL
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah 84602


Geraldine McBride Woodward International Book Award $1,000
Awarded for the best international Mormon history book.

(Submit 2 hard copies of each publication plus an electronic copy for the subcommittee member in Europe)

Clint Christensen
Church History Library
15 East North Temple Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84150


Winchester Family and Community History Award $500
Awarded to the best commercially or privately published and thoroughly researched family or community history relating to the Mormon experience prior to 1980.

(Submit 3 hard copies of each publication)

Ardis Parshall
284 C Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84103


T. Edgar Lyon Best Article Award $500
Awarded for the best published article on Mormon history. (Note: An author may submit one of his or her articles or essays from a journal of an anthology. A journal may submit up to four articles by different authors published during the year after verifying that they are not duplicating an author’s submission.)

(Submit 1 electronic copy of each article)

Thomas Alexander


J. Talmage Jones Awards of Excellence (two articles) $350 each
Awarded for the two outstanding articles published on Mormon history. (Note: An author may submit one of his or her articles or essays from a journal of an anthology. A journal may submit up to four articles by different authors published during the year after verifying that they are not duplicating an author’s submission.)

(Submit 1 electronic copy of each article)

Thomas Alexander


Andrew Jenson Best International Article Award $350
Awarded to the best international Mormon history article (in print or online journals). (Note: An author may submit one of his or her articles or essays from a journal of an anthology. A journal may submit up to four articles by different authors published during the year after verifying that they are not duplicating an author’s submission.)

(Submit 1 electronic copy of each article)

Clint Christensen


Silver Award for Best Article on Mormon Women’s History $350
Awarded for an outstanding article on the experiences of Mormon women in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

(Submit 1 electronic copy of each article)

Sheree Maxwell Bench


Gerald E. Jones Best Dissertation Award $800

(Submit 1 electronic copy of each dissertation)

Janet Ellingson


Lester E. Bush Best Thesis Award $500

(Submit 1 electronic copy of each thesis)

Janet Ellingson


Juanita Brooks Award for Best Graduate Paper $400
Awarded to a university or college graduate student for the best paper on Mormon history. (Note: Student are eligible to submit one paper. Submissions should include a cover sheet with name, address, school, department, undergraduate/graduate major, and biographical information.)

(Submit 1 electronic copy of each submission)

John Sillito


Juanita Brooks Award for the Best Undergraduate Paper $300
Awarded to a university or college undergraduate student for the best paper on Mormon history.

(Submit 1 electronic copy of each submission)

John Sillito